Before you buy
Here is a list of known bugs
First of all there is only one person behind the project, it is a complicated project and i have disabled many features just to make sure i release 'somewhat' working project.
It can have bugs (mainly after updates), often resulting in app crash, if you happen to be in that situation you can reach out to me and say what did you exactly do so i can reproduce and fix it - save your project often
For cnc gcode generation app doesn't create gcode that enables cutting tool
Floating point inprecission may provide wrong cut results often resulting in a loss of some faces/vertices.Â
Outline creation can crash the app
gcode generation will fail if model isn't compatible with application (each object must be a convex shape - there is a reason for that that i won't explain)
Graphics assets situated in .gui folder are subject to 3rd party copyright and you can't use them or derive any work from it.
The minimal design screen width is 69 mm and height 136.987 mm <- if you happen to have smaller screen size some of stuff may be cropped out or invisible
If you happen to find a bug / or have an idea you can reach out to me and tell me what is wrong