Select mode

You can select individual objects/ vertices/ edges/ faces

By default you select entities

There are 3 modes:

Check bottom of the page for more advanced selection fitering (in side projection)

3D projection needs some work and selecting by rect or lasso is disabled (and is at the bottom list of my prorities for now)

For 3D i enabled only entity and face selection.

To select in 3D select Selection mode and then click on entity if you happen to move finger (or mouse cursor fast enough onto next entity it will switch to multiple selection mode and select additional objects, if you hold too long at first tap it will switch to rect selection mode which is not implemented.

Other selection methods:

When you have a selected object and want to select the thing that overlaps with the selection you choose menu Select > Overlapping

Choosing what to select: Side projection only, for side you need to use selective rect instead of one tapping at screen

If you choose to select faces, vertices or edges you can filter which ones you want to select with menu Select>Filter

The option you choose will select only chosen ones.

For instance if you have selected faces and chose Front filter it will only select faces that are facing toward view, if you have chosen side filter then it will select only faces that are not facing towards view or facing towards opposite of the view.

Vertex selection:

When selecting vertices you need to consider one thing if you one tap at vertex and it selects more than one that means you need to zoom in because by default program selects vertices that are 5 mm close to the tap position, ALSO selection discards depth - that means if more than one vertices are in the same projected position they will all get selected (this eases dragging of corners)

There is also an option to enable realtime selection when using selection rect (select mode> tap on the screen and drag finger)

It is disabled by default cause of the nature of the app which treats one object as a convex shape which meansthat even one simple final object can be made of thousands/hundreds of smaller shapes and it decreases overall performance.