New project - deletes everything related to models and creates new project
Recent projects - list of recent projects
Open project - pops up file explorer
Save project - saves the project
Save project as - as above but forces file explorer form
Export: for everything except GCode you have to select desired thing to export (if nothing is selected in GCode export it exports everything)
GCode file -> Exports to GCode see GCode generation form
.obj file Exports as Wavefront obj file - nothing fancy just vertices and face data
triangled model3f file - this is an internal format of a 3d model used in the app
Projection NDC as text NDC (normalized device coordinates) - generates text file where vertex positions are in NDC space
Projection outline NDC - same as above but exports outline only
Screen projection as svg - you define width and height of an image and it exports actually what you see on screen (image is affected by window dimensions - meaning if an object covers whole projection window it will cover whole image aswell)
Screen projection outline as text - generates outline but vertex positions are in 0..1 range
Preferences - app preferences
For preferences the thing worth mention is:
Camera texture resolution:Â determines how big the captured image from camera is.
You can choose at which side of the screen (for screens wider than 8.4 cm) where keyboard will be put, YEAH! in what world someone thought that covering half of the screen with a keyboard was a good idea?
Let me just flex:
main menu - useless main menu
Force quit - actually it doesn't force quit but gently closes the app.