LIN mode
LIN mode enables you to cut model with lines, create polygons, create thickened lines
Cutting models with lines:
Place line or lines on projection screen (2D only) then select desired object that you want to cut and cut them either by side projection context menu or with "Cut" button in phone mode or if in desktop mode long tap and release (or right click) on LIN mode button then select "Cut" from popup menu
How do you place a line?
Select lin mode tap where line should begin, then tap on location where line should end. You can hold the finger and move the line point around. To move already placed point you need to enable ALT mode (alternate mode) on phone mode it is ALT button and on desktop mode you need to press and hold Alt (on keyboard).
You can select points and lines in select mode and move them in qer mode.
When you tapped a place where there is no line vertex or the line itself while in ALT mode in LIN mode it will shift and place new vertex at that position.
Lines can be snapped to objects.
To remove lines you click REM button (X) (while in LIN mode)
If you are still in LIN mode you can rightclick to open context menu and the "Cut function" Cuts selected objects with those lines. If you are not in LIN mode it will cut selected objects to internal clipboard.
Other functionalities:
Thicken the line:
Creating polygons:
Create a set of lines then hit Poly it from the menu (in desktop mode)Â or "Poly" button in phone mode, This will CLOSE the shape if it is not closed and create aa object with thickeness of a grid size.
(Close button just closes the line shape)